Empowering Education, Strengthening Our Community

Focused on Solutions, Driven by Community, Dedicated to Our Students' Success

I’m running to make a positive difference in Rowan county schools.

When my wife Mary and I moved to Rowan County in 2004, it was seven years after the landmark Leandro v. State of North Carolina case, which determined that the state was failing to adequately fund lower-income school districts. Nearly three decades have passed, and we’re still waiting for the necessary changes. You can learn more about the case here.

Our state ranks 41st in the nation for teacher pay, and student outcomes remain disappointingly low. The physical state of our schools—buildings, athletic facilities, classrooms, and grounds—requires significant investment. Our schools should be inspiring places that reflect the pride of Rowan County.

There is much work to be done. I am committed to partnering with our County Commissioners, Dr. Kelly Withers, fellow board members, community leaders, and faith-based organizations to provide the resources and vision needed to chart a new path forward—together.


My Plan of Action

Listen and Respond

Engage with principals and lead teachers to understand their needs and provide the support necessary for their success.

Community Involvement

Develop an action plan to involve more volunteers, community leaders, tutors, and aides in our schools, with the goal of boosting literacy and math skills while showing our children the strength of a supportive community.

Invest in Our Schools

Increase community involvement and investment in public education to ensure our schools have the resources they need to thrive.

Communication and Engagement

Foster a culture of communication and encouragement throughout Rowan-Salisbury Schools (RSS) to achieve the outcomes we all desire for our children.

Key Policy Issues

The Knox-Overton project has the potential to be a beacon of success for our community—an example of how we can turn things around. With the right leadership, teachers, and partners, this project could uplift our entire school system and serve as a model for others. I will work to ensure it has the support it needs to succeed.